
Today is what we make of it. It is all we actually have to hand, and an imminent God invites to use now, today, to great effect.

communionReturning from Mass my heart and mind rest in the substance of the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. I have been fed from the table of heaven and my whole being nourished. Yet this is not simply for my own satisfaction. My personal satisfaction is indeed deep and rich with metaphor, memory and presence. Yet, I am nourished for today – to respond to the call to the new evangelisation to live my life after the pattern of Jesus in the service of humanity that the divine might in part be seen and experienced by others.

In our fractured social order, most recently shocked by the brutal murder of a British serviceman on the streets of London in broad daylight, it is neither politicians nor businessmen who will provide answers to encourage social cohesion and the recovery of virtue. Rather it is as I choose to live out my life across the public square in obedience to Christ. Telling of God’s love, and demonstrating the power of my assertions through the generosity of my actions.

My faith in God is that which enables me to realise all I have been created to be. Equally, my faith in God enables me to become all that I need to become to those I live alongside; neighbour, family, colleague. Without my witness to the power of the resurrection, it is as if there never was a resurrection for the many who as yet have never seriously encountered the Living God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

This is the challenge this Trinity Sunday.

“Certain I am that Christ was born

of Jewish maid of Nazareth

That this lone child of lowly bed

enthroned God’s living breath.


I was not there, I have no proof

of scientific facts to give,

but I believe with all my mind

He died that dying worlds might live.


Today this beauty drips with blood

the tree of life is scorched and bare;

why did You die, when now Your pain

seems valued as the vapid air?”


Mary Denyer, poet.