Easter Vigil

Today, Saturday, we prepare for the Easter Vigil. At present the church stands stark and empty, a symbolic reminder of the void that exists when Jesus is not present in life and its myriad expressions such as family, community and society.  Yet we wait for the first glimmers of dawn when we remember and then celebrate the momentous event of the resurrection. Darkness explodes into light, a bleak today is replaced with a bright tomorrow and hope returns to sustain us through the challenges life throws at us.IMG_0078

This Easter Vigil I shall go forward and complete my year of exploring the Catholic faith through the Right of Initiation of Adults or RCIA. It has been a wonderful adventure for this Christian of forty years standing, yet who to date has explored Christian community, faith and witness within the protestant, evangelical expression of Christ’s church. My mind is full of thoughts and my heart feels strangely warmed as I anticipate what feels like my returning to a home I dimly remember and feel most comfortable within. I shall write at length about the principle reasons I have made this decision through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Today is a moment in time to be ‘lost in wonder, love and praise’ as ‘I survey the wondrous cross’.

I am resting in the blessing of this staging post upon my ongoing pilgrimage of journeying towards God’s heart whilst engaging in mission. My heart full of gratitude; my whole being desiring to serve within the new evangelisation expressed from the Catholic church and celebrate with my new found family this year of faith.

Although somewhat older than when I first experienced the sweet salvic love of Christ, I remain hungry to serve and look forward to fresh opportunities. Caleb-Station_8_women_of_Jerusalemlike this body, heart and mind of mine rise to the challenge of a fresh opportunity to enter the promised land and testify to the glory of God. It is a joy that the Alleluia returns to the liturgy tonight; now my heart mirrors that completely in expectation of the Living Word who is Jesus Christ. Make room in your heart this Easter for the risen Christ, and offer your life afresh to him for serving the purposes of the Kingdom of God wherever you find yourself. ‘Pax et Bonum’.


This weekend marks the start of a new and very exciting chapter of my life. Together with my wife, Jayne, I enter the Catholic church this Easter vigil and will reflect on both the journey that brought me to this point and my reflections along the Way.

I am Consciously Catholic as I intend to seek to imitate Christ as best I can in responding to his mission to both Church and Society. Journey with me and join the conversation; a conversation that will lead to active investment of living the out the Beatitudes within a secularising society without fear or favour.

And may all this be done to the glory of God.